Mann on a mission

 Mann On A Mission

One of the many things I really enjoy doing in life, - besides looking out at the sunset over the water, with a nice cold beer - is helping other people the best way I know how, not only by offering what many of my listeners refer to as my "unique" perspective on life and world events via my podcast, but by offering people a sanctuary, an Intellectual safe harbor if you will, where you can truly and freely speak your peace.

In this place, you are truly free to say whatever the hell you want, the way you want, no word police, no thought police, no bullshit, which of course means you won't find any dysfunctional woke narratives here either, where you constantly have to be worried about curtailing your language, least it "offend" someone.

This is why I created The Earnest Mann Show, a place where we can talk about anything. From history, to current events, economics, politics, philosophy, religion, to having great sex with aardvarks!

Well, the sex with aardvarks thing might be stretching things a bit much.

But still, the topics for discussion are only as limited as your imagination and your input, so leave a comment, telling me and the whole world your thoughts or advice about anything, because sometimes, a single thought, or conversation, really can change and improve a person's life, and I have seen that very thing happen more times than I can count.

So, if you have an opinion, or want to start an interesting conversation, here's your chance, just click on the episodes tab, and after you've listened to whatever episode you choose, scroll down below the episode and leave a comment, that's it, easy-peasy.

I do ask, that although I'm pretty damn open, please don't post your intimate moments with aardvarks in the comments, because everything has its limits, and aardvarks, is where I draw the line!

Take care - Earnest

© 2020-24 The Earnest Mann Show