Why Everything Feels So Damn Expensive – The Hard Truth
Hey, it's Earnest Mann, and today I’m breaking down a question from Wayne in San Marcos, Texas—why does everything suddenly cost so damn much? It’s a multifaceted problem, but I’ll focus on one of the biggest culprits.
The Economy Isn’t Broken—It Just Wasn’t Built for You
Many so-called economists push different theories, often wrapped in left vs. right propaganda. But the reality is, the economy isn’t failing—it’s just not designed to benefit the majority of people. Workers were abandoned 40 years ago, and now most people are struggling with multiple jobs, forced to cohabitate for survival, and living paycheck to paycheck.
If you're lucky enough to have a high-paying job, you’re fine—for now. But the system ensures that only a select few thrive, while the rest are left scrambling. This isn’t a new problem—it’s a cycle that’s been repeating itself for decades.
The Myth of Wealth—And Why You’re Being Played
Most people are sold a false dream of wealth, but here’s the truth: wealth isn’t infinite, it’s finite. For every obscenely rich person, there has to be a much larger group of poor people. Many of the ultra-wealthy got their riches by taking your money—and corporations and merchants are the ones who fuel this system.
Take the example of P. Diddy, who, despite his talent, used his obscene wealth to fuel destructive behavior. The system itself creates and enables psychopaths, and we keep feeding it by participating.
Want to Escape the Cycle? Unplug From the Game
The first step to breaking free from this dysfunctional economy is to stop engaging with it. Here’s my personal example: I haven’t paid for a sports event or channel in 40 years—not because I hate sports, but because I refuse to pour my time and money into something that’s ultimately meaningless.
The lesson? Your money and attention feed the machine. If you want out of the 9-to-5 misery, start by reassessing what truly matters—things don’t matter, people do.
So, what do you think? Do you agree or disagree? Drop a comment or email me. And of course, subscribe and hit that notification bell so you never miss an episode. Compliments are great, but the best one? Tell a friend.
With friends, as with many other things in life, I desire quality over quantity, and I have absolutely no tolerance for bullshit.
I'm seeking to build a community of Intelligent thinkers daring to discuss, what the hell really needs to be openly discussed.
Please consider, that by visiting my website and donating to this show, you're supporting an actual financially challenged (pleasant speak for being fucking broke) person, not some mega corporation, that wouldn't know human compassion if it hit them over they're fucking head.
Thank you for taking the time, to read this, and remember to avoid anyone spewing bullshit as much as possible, your life will be far better for it. Earnest
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© 2024 - 25 The Earnest Mann Show
00:00 Wayne from San Marcos Texas wants to know why everything is suddenly so damn expensive well Wayne the truth is it's actually a multifaceted problem and in this episode I'm going to focus on one of the primary problems I'm not claiming to be an economist but I believe you don't need a weatherman to tell you which way the wind blows many of the supposedly educated and professional Economist can give you a thousand different theories often times accompanied with left or right-wing propaganda each blaming the other's
00:50 policies as to why the economy is bad this in effect is the equivalent of the match blaming the gasoline for the house going up in Flames one of the main reasons for a supposedly poor economy is the perception of the economy itself now I understand your gut reaction might probably be that I'm not making any sense the truth is however if you take into account that you were born into an economic system which basically abandoned the majority of us workers 40 years ago the economy is working just fine just not for
01:42 you if you're lucky enough to be one of the relative few that actually has a good paying job then at least for the short term you and your family are okay everybody else not so much so if you're very stressed out because you're working multiple jobs just to make ends meet or you're living with friends or family members because you don't have enough income to be independent or like many others you're cohabitating with someone regardless of your relationship status past or present not out of love or affection but
02:29 economic life survival you're on the end of the stick but hear me out if you peel back the reality a bit even though I can totally sympathize with your current life situation in most cases what it comes down to is the direct consequence of being complacent to a system where the winners are winners until suddenly they're not then when those who were winners start bitching and moaning because they're not winners anymore it's a predictable NeverEnding cycle so at this point you might be thinking sure fine you're right but how
03:22 the hell do I get out of this mess just hold on I'm going to get to that in a bit in short to begin the life repair process you need a radical change in mindset this is definitely one of those cases where the world doesn't have any sympathy for those who totally bought into a system that never gave a damn about them in the first place so someone standing around dumbfounded the proverbial deer in the headlights look when their life totally goes to and for whatever reason they no longer have support Financial or otherwise from
04:10 family and friends a big key to this is to not get into this position in the first place so if you are currently economically treading water like working two or more jobs just to survive you need to to listen to what I'm about to tell you and hopefully turn what I'm saying over to a friend as well so getting back to the original the terrible beaten path that has been laid out economically for most people is the false idea that you or just about anyone around you can or should in fact be wealthy this doesn't even address the
04:59 fact of the psychopathy of incredible wealth itself that's a separate issue but this ties into the old adage which is just because you can do something doesn't mean you should just a brief example of what I'm getting at currently for those who give a damn the Entertainer p didy is sitting in prison which is exactly where he should be but it was his obscene wealth which enabled him to be the monster that he is in other words it's the very system itself that creates and supports psychopathy so in the simplest possible
05:50 terms and I'm talking about an action that is done individually but with enough individuals it becomes Collective is stop supporting a system which is idiotic psychotic and totally unsustainable despite what you may have been programmed to believe your entire life the economics of your personal life are directly proportional to resources in real terms wealth is not infinite it is finite so in the simplest possible terms for X number of obscenely wealthy people there has to be a much greater proportion of poor people and a
06:38 large percentage of obscenely wealthy people got that way by taking your money and a huge part of that dysfunctional thievery crowd are the merchants now of course this includes the corporations but it's the merchants that actually support create the corporations it's basically a dysfunctional and unsustainable closed loop which is one of the true primary reasons the American economy keeps having huge boom and bust Cycles now to touch on the question of how to get out of this mess the first step is to stop engaging in
07:29 it I don't want to talk your ears off so for now I'm going to wrap this up I'm going to summarize by saying this as a personal example I have not attended any kind of professional sports game in 40 years I also have not paid for any sports channels in 40 years and frankly I could care less who wins baseball's World Series or football's Super Bowl I realized a long time ago that spending my life moments not to mention my money on something ultimately meaningless was incredibly foolish so I decided to stop
08:14 being foolish I unplugged and I have been very happy I did so ever since what I just spoke about in the personal example is absolutely true in my life but it only represents a small fraction of the unplugging I did in my life to make my life much happier but materially that may mean something entirely different to you what I'm saying is that in the final analysis things don't matter people matter and if you truly want to get out of the misery of the 9 to5 paycheck to paycheck check existence it begins with
09:03 that realization the understanding and accepting that what I'm telling you is true so what do you think do you agree with what I'm saying or do you think I'm clueless and you have a far greater Insight on this subject whatever the case I'd really like to know your opinion so drop me a line in the comments section below or contact me via my email link also in the description below and of course subscribe and hit the notification Bell so you will never ever miss any of my incredible episodes Compliments are
09:48 always appreciated but the best compliment you can ever give me is to tell a friend until next Monday or Friday this is Ernest and I usually always him