Understanding Relationships: What Every Man Needs to Know
Hey, it’s Earnest Mann, here to address Tony’s intriguing question from Madison, Wisconsin: “How do I know if I really want to be in a committed relationship?” Let’s break it down in ways no one else will.
The Complex Reality of Long-Term Relationships
In this episode, I get real about the challenges of long-term relationships (LTRs), especially for men. Highlighting timeless truths about human nature, I unpack how societal shifts and biological impulses shape our views on commitment. From avoiding the pitfalls of state-sanctioned marriage to understanding the dynamics of modern relationships, I emphasize the importance of recognizing a woman’s nature and societal influences.
Avoiding Common Mistakes in Relationships
Men, this one’s for you. Whether you’re considering marriage or a casual LTR, I stress the necessity of thinking with clarity, not impulse. I address the biological drives, financial implications, and risks involved in common-law marriages. By sharing real-life examples, I provide actionable advice for avoiding life-altering mistakes, such as marrying due to external pressures.
The Best Relationship Approach Today
I advise against rushing into marriage without fully understanding its risks. Instead, I encourage exploring relationship dynamics, knowing your goals, and avoiding societal pressures. This way, you can build a fulfilling connection while safeguarding your peace and happiness.
With friends, as with many other things in life, I desire quality over quantity, and I have absolutely no tolerance for bullshit.
I'm seeking to build a community of Intelligent thinkers daring to discuss, what the hell really needs to be openly discussed.
Please consider, that by visiting my website and donating to this show, you're supporting an actual financially challenged (pleasant speak for being fucking broke) person, not some mega corporation, that wouldn't know human compassion if it hit them over they're fucking head.
Thank you for taking the time, to read this, and remember to avoid anyone spewing bullshit as much as possible, your life will be far better for it. Earnest
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And last but certainly not least, if you are fed up with your current existence, and want to take your life in a very different but much better direction, take a look at what I have to say here - https://theearnestmannshow.com/designing-and-building-your-nearly-perfect-future
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© 2024 - 25 The Earnest Mann Show
this question comes from Tony in Madison
Wisconsin how do I know if I really want
to be in a committed
relationship good question Tony and what
makes it such a good question is that it
is both simultaneously simple and
complicated so I'm going to explain both
aspects in a manner that you have
probably never heard before but need to
hear before you enter that contract AKA
marriage you might hate me now for what
I'm about to say Tony but you'll be
thanking me later now I totally
understand if you laugh and believe I'm
completely out of touch concerning
modern relationships but that's simply
not the case if anything I am much more
in touch than I have ever been because
what I have come to learn is that
relationship Customs much like Fashions
come and go but what doesn't change
whether it be in America or Argentina is
human nature and a woman's nature always
remains the
same one of the very first things to
understand and this is quite possibly
the most important thing for any man to
understand is the absolute necessity of
being very careful if considering the
long-term relationship game so if you're
still thinking mainly with your crotch
now is is not a good time to be thinking
with the wrong head and this advice is
intended specifically for heterosexual
males and you can take that any way you
please as a man you must learn not to
become ins slaved by a woman's Beauty
but see them for what they actually are
completely cold and calculating
creatures that will destroy your life
without a second thought once you cease
to be useful like a child tossing away a
toy that no longer amuses them just
remember although they can and sometimes
will be pleasant during a divorce for
the most part it is still their innate
nature to be cold and indifferent and if
you don't believe this is true consider
this every man that I have ever known in
my life who ended up with a failed
marriage women initi iting divorce
around 83% of the time have told me what
an absolute living hell their future or
current ex-wife is or
was but what should also be remembered
was at one time that woman was wonderful
she was the apple of his eye they got
along great the sex was great and plti
everything was good then something
changed and around 98% of the time that
change was with the woman and if you
want verification of this run what I
just said past any divorced man and I
can practically guarantee you in just
about every case they will agree with
what I just said and that my friend is
pretty damn
conclusive now for any of you women
listening to this out there before you
go all caring on my ass I'll readily
admit it's not 100% women's fault all
the time there are some men out there
that are simply no good not just to you
but for nobody they go by the very
technical term known as
and some of these men have very
Advanced degrees in
assholism I totally understand that but
for the most part let's say around 80%
of the time you lady are the problem and
I hope you have the courage and humility
to admit that and continue
listening and if you are able to agree
with what I just said I congratulate you
because you are being truly
introspective and open something many
women unfortunately are not capable of
but it absolutely represents strength
and character and Any Man worth a damn
deeply appreciates that and while you're
at it if you know any other woman you
think could benefit from hearing this by
all means turn her on to this because
you will be helping her with her
relationships as well so yeah where was
I oh yeah uh so as far as relationships
are concerned you both can be expected
to have plenty of
fun that's sadly become codee for sex
avoiding honest language which used to
describe an extremely enjoyable
experience when I was young called
as opposed to sex which is not
the same thing but something I have come
to understand many Catholics enjoy
in so young man certainly by the time
you've hit around 2 if you're going to
make any pretense towards a
LTR the realities of life such as a
woman's innate desire to make babies
should really take precedence that is to
say you really need to be taking life
much more seriously that means putting
down and the video games as well as the
drugs and alcohol and even though I know
times are very difficult get the hell
out of your parents family or friends
house because if you're not able to
successfully do that you sure as hell
are not ready for a serious
LTR unless the woman is a skank
hillbilly or mentally
in the case of woman unless
she's an idiot but that still doesn't
stop the biological
impulse even if she is not consciously
aware of this herself and even if she
tells you something entirely different
she still has an overwhelming urge to
make babies with or without your
consent and you need to fully understand
that and accept that because it's a fact
of existence
sorry fellas but after around
25 the banging doing the horizontal Bop
the proverbial free ride with no pains
drama or cost is over you will pay to be
with a woman one way or the
other so now that we have all that
out of the way the simple answer Tony is
that you have you can have any kind of
relationship you want which could
include an
LTR whether being officially married or
not but the important part that needs to
be understood is that every type of
relationship has its you know pros and
cons but as far as an LTR is concerned I
absolutely strongly advise against it
that is as far as a state official
marriage is
concerned there are far too many
opportunities for that to become a
nightmare scenario that will ruin your
life remember ultimately her only
purpose in life is to make babies not to
make you happy and now that the state
continues to provide she will continue
to crank out babies and Society will
continue to have have greater and
greater numbers of single moms because
ultimately they don't give a damn they
just want
babies also I advise you bear in mind
the state that you live in may have laws
concerning common law marriage meaning
that you could be living with a woman
even if everything's going fine and you
find out too late when suddenly two or 3
years down thead Road suddenly things
aren't going so fine but because you
live in a common law state suddenly
everything you own have of it can become
hers and this unless you are a dedicated
masochist is something you definitely
don't want to happen in your
life well I think I've talked enough
about this for now and I hope I answered
your question Tony and I just want to
end with
this it's very important to recognize
that there is a great deal of very ugly
you know reality out there when it comes
to the subject of
relationships but if no one has told you
what I just shared with you it's far
better that you know now because the
truth has always been a bitter pill to
swallow but a ruined life due to stupid
mistakes like I don't know marrying a
girl simply because she got knocked up
and your idiotic upbringing family or
friends are pressuring you to man up and
or yes to do the right thing can be very
difficult to undo and that is a far more
bitter pill to
swallow so what do you think what kind
relationship do you think is really the
best these days do you think I hit the
mark or am I completely off base I'd
really like to know your opinion so drop
me a line there's a contact Link in the
description below and of course
subscribe and hit that notification Bell
so you will never ever miss any of my
episodes and finally Compliments are
always appreciated but the best
compliment you can ever give me is to
tell a friend until next Monday or
Friday this is earnest and I usually
always am