Why Justin Trudeau's Resignation Shouldn’t Matter to Canadians
Hello, Earnest Mann here! Today, I’m breaking down why Justin Trudeau’s resignation doesn’t deserve your outrage or concern. Canadians, it’s time to recognize how your government has drained your finances, exploited your trust, and left you with empty promises. If you’ve ever felt frustrated with being taken advantage of, stick around—I’ve got an analogy that’ll hit home.
A Mechanic Analogy That Mirrors Government Incompetence
Imagine taking your car to a trusted mechanic, only to be caught in a spiraling cycle of endless repairs, outrageous costs, and broken promises. Sounds familiar, right? That’s because this scenario mirrors how Trudeau's government handled Canada: patchwork solutions, excuses for failure, and no accountability when the damage was irreparable.
From promises of economic progress to actual financial ruin for the working class, Trudeau’s tenure represents what happens when leaders bite off more than they can chew and leave citizens to foot the bill.
Trudeau’s Exit: No Accountability, No Consequences
As Trudeau resigns, his legacy remains: societal decay, financial collapse for hard-working Canadians, and zero accountability. He walks away unscathed, keeping the wealth and privileges accumulated during his time in power. The tragedy? Canadians see no justice for the years of exploitation. Trudeau's resignation is just a graceful exit for someone guilty of gross incompetence—or worse.
With friends, as with many other things in life, I desire quality over quantity, and I have absolutely no tolerance for bullshit.
I'm seeking to build a community of Intelligent thinkers daring to discuss, what the hell really needs to be openly discussed.
Please consider, that by visiting my website and donating to this show, you're supporting an actual financially challenged (pleasant speak for being fucking broke) person, not some mega corporation, that wouldn't know human compassion if it hit them over they're fucking head.
Thank you for taking the time, to read this, and remember to avoid anyone spewing bullshit as much as possible, your life will be far better for it. Earnest
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© 2024 - 25 The Earnest Mann Show
00:00 greetings and thank you for being here episode in a nutshell why you shouldn't be giving a rat's ass whatsoever about Justin Trudeau's resignation one of the things that never ceases to amaze me is the general Public's ability to never remember a damn thing especially if it concerns their own best interest I believe that many people today act as though they were born yesterday paying no attention to incredibly large of money that have been stolen from them via their own government yet look at me as though I'm
00:45 crazy for telling them they should do something to get their money back and if you're still not understanding allow me to give you an analogy let's say you bring your car to a mechanic that was recomend Ed by family or friends you explain the issues you're having he seems to listen intently to what you're saying and he initially reassures you that it sounds like it could be this or it could be that and that's totally reasonable to a certain extent until he actually checks out your car so far so
01:23 relatively good but you started paying him for his time to start analyzing your car's issues so the next day the mechanic informs you that he believes he's found the problem but he needs your authorization to purchase the part and the labor cost to install it which again sounds totally reasonable the total cost due what he's saying needs to be done is around 300 bucks so you give him the authorization and he's Off to the Races fixing your car so the next day the mechanic contacts you and tells you that even
02:01 though the previous part was necessary there was another malfunctioning part that needs to be replaced unfortunately the part is expensive it's a dealer only part that cost $800 and because it's a difficult and timeconsuming replacement it's going to cost an additional $600 in labor you're gritting your teeth just a bit but it doesn't sound too outlandish so you give him the authorization on the parts of Labor and once again pay him via your bank card over the phone your expectation by what he has told you is
02:41 that it should be finished have you ever been through this situation before yourself just wait it gets better the mechanic contacts you a day or so later with good news the issue's been fixed you can come and get your car there is however just one other thing he needs to tell you though there is actually a serious problem in the top part of the engine it may seem as though it's running fine now but there is a problem with one of the components that is damaged and if you don't address it soon when it does fail it will cause a
03:21 catastrophic engine failure he is strongly advising getting it taken care of now before that happens with a deep sigh you agree and how much is this going to cost you ask it's going to cost an additional $1,200 Parts in labor total and he says he won't even charge you any more labor if it takes any more time than he anticipates to correct the problem so once again you hate having to dish out all this money but because he was so highly recommended by family or friends you trust that he's not a crook so you agree
04:08 to the repair and authorize the funds a couple of days later you get a call again from the mechanic his voice is a combination of anger and annoyance much to your surprise and dismay he says that due to a lack of maintenance on the car whether that was because of you or the previous owner the issues this car had should have been relatively simple to fix but that's not the case he complains that the car has been nothing but a very timeconsuming nightmare for him above and beyond even the labor charges he quoted and agreed
04:51 to stick to but this last repair was the last straw and he simply refuses to do any more work on on your car he is totally mystified and is almost convinced that the car is cursed he continues by saying that actually he really should have charged you much more labor for all of the time that's been put into the car but strongly implying out of the kindness of his heart he's decided to just part company with your car and you can pick it up whenever you you like but he has given it his all and he is under no obligation to return any
05:36 of the parts or labor cost to you he just wants the car off his lot in 3 days or it will be towed to an Mound lot he doesn't want to discuss the situation any further now if you've ever had a similar situation like this occur to you in your life concerning a car I absolutely feel for you because regardless of the mechanics protest this is not the behavior of a qualified mechanic or just a decent human being the fact is he was much over his head concerning your car's repair and the right thing that should have been done
06:21 would have been to Simply admit that taken the financial loss himself and learned from the experience but no what made him a terrible mechanic as well as a terrible human being was how he chose to treat his customer yet this was just an analogy intended to represent clearly and honestly exactly what is happening with furious Canadian citizens at this time and I'll give you three guesses at who the mechanic is Justin Trudeau was and is incompetent at best and absolutely guilty of treason at worst but the biggest crime actually taking
07:07 place is yet another super wealthy oligarch another rich man's privileged son that not only allowed and encourage societal degradation but Financial ruin to workingclass Canadians you know the people who actually do work and productive things in society yet it's allowed to just simply say oops my bad I'm really really sorry and then go waddle off into the sunset with no penalty no retribution whatsoever and gets to keep all the citizens money all of the cost of his presidential expenses over his near decade in office
07:58 and he won so much as even get an ass whipping this is the true tragedy and insult to the Canadian citizens I say all this teey proclamations about how truly sorry he is essentially saying that there's just a bunch of bad mean scary people in the government and they just can't get anything done so I'm leaving Jesus Christ what a criminal douchebag here's what I would love to see from Canadians yeah you Trudeau give us back the 10 years of your expenses you stole from us and maybe just maybe we won't put your ass in
08:48 front of a firing squad or the guillotine which I'm sure would make the large percentage of French Canadians feel very pleased as it should and undoubtedly would until next Monday or Friday this is earnest and I usually always [Music] [Music] [Music] am [Music] [Music]
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