Exploring the Roots of Violence and Modern Society’s Control Over Autonomy
Hey, it’s Earnest Mann, and today we're addressing Jimmy's thought-provoking question about the natural origins of violence and how modern society has shaped it. If you've ever wondered why humans are aggressive or why some natural behaviors are criminalized, stick around. Subscribe and hit that notification bell to make sure you don't miss these eye-opening discussions.
Violence as a Natural Human Trait and Environmental Trigger
Humans are inherently violent, but our current environment magnifies this aggression. I explained how rapid urbanization, the Industrial Revolution, and the rise of mega-cities disrupted our natural autonomy, creating stress and discontent. It's not just about a lack of freedom—it’s about losing control over our lives, which fuels frustration and aggression.
From Autonomy to Neo-Slavery: The Industrial Revolution’s Impact
The Industrial Revolution brought the "company clock" and a new form of control. Workers, particularly men, were stripped of their autonomy. I detailed examples like Henry Ford’s $5-a-day wage, which wasn’t generosity—it was a way to enforce strict obedience and surveillance. The monotony of factory work coupled with societal pressures created a cauldron of misery and violence.
Alcohol, Religion, and the Control of Society
I unpacked how societal controllers used religion and alcohol as tools to pacify the masses. Alcohol, while appearing to spark aggression in small moments, actually weakens society’s ability to think critically and organize against oppression. This strategy still works today, keeping people docile and distracted.
Why Fighting Is Illegal in Modern Society
Violence between men is natural, but laws have been designed to criminalize it—not out of concern for morality, but to protect profits. If workers are injured in fights, they can't produce, and that’s bad for business. Modern laws have less to do with ethics and more to do with controlling the workforce.
With friends, as with many other things in life, I desire quality over quantity, and I have absolutely no tolerance for bullshit.
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Thank you for taking the time, to read this, and remember to avoid anyone spewing bullshit as much as possible, your life will be far better for it. Earnest
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© 2024 - 25 The Earnest Mann Show
00:01 greetings and thank you for being here you just asked a really good question Jimmy a simple question on the surface but one that goes deep into the male psyche and can be a bit painful if not fully understood and speaking of pain Please Subscribe and hit the notification Bell that way you won't miss any future valuable information so nobody gets hurt I'm going to tell you Jimmy what others can't or won't violence is natural humans are violent but even animals which are typically quite passive can become
00:53 abnormally aggressive when their environment is radically altered this is one of the many reasons why humans are acting so aggressively towards one another we are simply not designed to function within certain constraints and one of the main factors driving people to Madness is not so much lack of Freedom although that is certainly a part of it but a lack of autonomy you see not too very long ago there was a duality concerning City Life basically once oil was discovered and we developed steam technology Mankind's population
01:41 exploded generally in the cities which became mega cities and this in turn happened because many more people came from the country to work in the cities for better wages and what they perceived as better opportunities now for a brief time before the invention of the telephone and its use became common a paradox Old State existed in City Life where one could be living in the heart of a city constantly traveling through and interacting with the city yet at the same time enjoying a good deal of relative autonomy because there was quite
02:29 literally so so much people movement the environment was very different than living in the country or small town of that time everybody didn't know everybody back then and ironically that was actually a good thing but it wasn't to last with the arrival of the Industrial Revolution not long after the American Civil War came the new face of slavery let's call it NEOS slavery living by the company clock punching in and punching out an entire series of control mechanisms were created by factories and
03:16 their owners to keep track of their wage slaves you see because the last thing any company wants of their workers is any real autonomy it was difficult and slow-going for the companies at first but over time changes were made to the psyche of male workers in particular to slowly take away their autonomy just one very brief example of this were the employees that worked for Henry Ford assembling automobiles at the unheard of pay of $5 a day which for the time was a very good wage but it needs to be understood that
04:05 those workers were not paid those wages by Henry Ford out of love it was because Ford had a very high employee turnover rate which is not good for our company's profits if you do just a little bit of research into the history of working for Henry Ford you'll find that that $5 a day also came with forced Church attendance and Henry Ford and the company basically wanting to know what you were doing was it good Christian and wholesome 24 hours a day that is a historical fact and so despite that $5 per day pay rate
04:57 employees still left that job in drug robes because not only were they miserable due to the monotony of repetition but because their autonomy had been taken away from them this was not the only reason for violence but it was a very big part of the problem then just as it is now now in addition to all that it was very important to produce obedient and servile attitude amongst the population and the two primary ways this is accomplished which is actually quite funny is through religion and through the use of alcohol both of which are very effective
05:48 means of control in the case of alcohol for example sure it was very common then in working class areas to have a lot of drunken bras take place on the weekends so on the surface that would seem to contradict my claims but in the bigger picture alcohol Robs a person's Ergo a society's capacity to think straight and to organize I don't believe anyone would argue for example that George Washington was a drunk It's takes a lot of planning and fortitude to fight against tyranny which is perfectly fine that is
06:38 exactly what the real controllers of this Society the oligarchs and plutocrats don't want to use a blunt analogy it is far easier to rape a woman or a society if it is totally and consistently drunk but men have always been violent with other men and to be frank that's perfectly fine because as all of us intuitively know sometimes men are [ __ ] and sometimes [ __ ] need to be thoroughly reminded that they are being [ __ ] and few things actually do better at letting them know that than a good oldfashioned ass whooping which
07:31 despite whatever the law says is actually a very normal and natural thing so why has fighting now I'm not talking about men that are completely alcohol impaired and or high on other drugs using knives or guns been made illegal because in the very simplest terms possible it interferes with what has become modern society's God prophets if one or several men decide to whoop ass on each other there is a very good chance they won't be showing up for work for one or more days and that would affect prophets and the factory owners
08:25 definitely don't want that so laws are created to take away your natural right to put an [ __ ] in his place so I hope I've answered your question Jimmy and I'll simply leave you with this the real question shouldn't be why do I want to kick this man's ass it should be why is there a law against it if you enjoyed this episode consider subscribing and if if you have any questions about this subject or any subject for that matter reach out to me there is a direct link to me in the description
09:09 below Compliments are always appreciated but the best compliment you can ever give is to tell a friend until next Monday or Friday this is earnest and I usually always am