The Hidden Truth About Buying a Home: What Real Estate Agents Won’t Tell You
Hey, it’s Earnest Mann! Today’s episode tackles the home-buying process—and not the cookie-cutter advice you’re used to. This one’s for Scott in Wital, Kansas, but trust me, it’s valuable for anyone thinking about buying a house. Let’s get into why real estate agents, location mistakes, and joint purchases might be your biggest hurdles.
Real Estate Agents: The Cost of Convenience
Real estate agents might seem helpful, but here’s the truth: they’re primarily there for the commission. Despite their warm demeanor and guided tours, they rarely provide significant value. From pointing out obvious features like the kitchen and backyard to offering little more than logistical support, agents often expect to get paid for what you could easily do yourself. I break this down to help you avoid paying for something that might not be worth it.
Why Location and Joint Purchases Could Be Your Biggest Mistakes
Most people buy homes based on proximity to work or family, but this can lead to significant regrets. Choosing the wrong location often doesn’t become clear until it’s too late, locking you into what feels like a deal with the devil. Another mistake? Joint purchases. Buying a home should be a solo decision. Trust me, it’s better to safeguard your financial future.
Thought-Provoking Analogies for Better Decision-Making
I also share a powerful analogy about a car mechanic. It highlights why you shouldn’t expect something for nothing and why expertise always comes with a cost. It’s a lesson that applies to home buying too.
With friends, as with many other things in life, I desire quality over quantity, and I have absolutely no tolerance for bullshit.
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Please consider, that by visiting my website and donating to this show, you're supporting an actual financially challenged (pleasant speak for being fucking broke) person, not some mega corporation, that wouldn't know human compassion if it hit them over they're fucking head.
Thank you for taking the time, to read this, and remember to avoid anyone spewing bullshit as much as possible, your life will be far better for it. Earnest
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© 2024 - 25 The Earnest Mann Show
00:02 [Music] hey greetings and thank you for being here I totally understand that because everybody is so damn broke and home prices are criminally high buying a house may not seem in the realm of possibility right now but stick around I guarantee you'll still find this information useful if not certain certainly [Music] entertaining this episode was created for Scott in wital Kansas so if you're out there Scott I'm going to give you some very valuable pre purchase information concerning buying a home and
00:52 I can guarantee you it's not the conventional kind of information you're used to I'll fill in some of the home buying blanks for you now before I get started into any advice on this subject there's something that needs to be made very clear so that within the context of this advice you'll have a much greater understanding of where I'm coming from so here it is let's say your car is acting up it runs but it's idling rough and generally running rough you're not a mechanic so you take it to
01:33 one and let's assume for the sake of argument he's a good honest and qualified mechanic when you talk to the mechanic at his shop you start describing the problem to him as best you can he listens closely asks you a few questions and the communication is going fine he says that your problem could actually be caused by potentially several different issues or possibly a combination of issues but he has the technical knowledge experience and ability including the necessary equipment to diagnose the problem he tells you what
02:13 that diagnosis will cost but then the next problem Begins the functional side of your brain totally understands what he's saying and where he's coming from the idiotic and immature side of your brain though wants and EXP expects something for nothing so you ask the mechanic without agreeing to pay for his proposed diagnostic based on his years of experience what's his best guess of the problem what parts would you need where is the best place to get those parts and at the best price what tools will you require and on and on and
02:59 on you being completely unconcerned about how much of his time you were taking the mechanic not being an idiot figures you're selfish you want something for nothing game out and realizes you really have no intention of having him do any work you're just pumping him for information so you can attempt to fix it yourself so he informs you that if you want the diagnostic work done here's the price otherwise he really needs to get back to work I hope you will give this little analogy some thought now back to the
03:49 subject one of the very first mistakes people make that are looking to buy a home is the worst possible thing they could do go to a real estate agent a real estate agent regardless of how pleasant warm or caring their demeanor may be is ultimately there for one reason only to earn a commission which for the most part is again something for nothing because generally speaking despite their predictable arguments to the contrary they don't really really do anything significant consider you meet the female agent at the property the vast majority
04:40 of real estate agents today are female and there's a very good reason for that you exchange pleasantries and she starts usually with an extremely obnoxious voice showing you the house so here is the kit CH and here is the dining room and here's the bath and here's the [Applause] backyard yes in case she somehow didn't notice I drove there to meet her which means I have functional vision and because I also could handle the logistics of arriving there to see the place means I probably have a relatively functional
05:37 brain I know what a kitchen is I know what a dining room is as well as the bathroom and I have even had the mental fortitude to grasp the concept of a back yard I have been to several of them in my lifetime so this begs the question of a rational and intelligent mind why the hell would you pay for an agent something that does nothing in addition to that another factor to take into serious consideration is if the home you're thinking about buying is simply for you you and your brood or you and your future brood because the outcome of such
06:31 a purchase can and usually does have very different outcomes for you and when I say you I mean just exactly that any home purchase should never and I do mean never be a joint purchase the next serious consideration should be location and I can't emphasize this enough again and most people buy their homes relative to not only their employment but also their well relatives and this can be an extremely big mistake all too often a location mistake is a mistake that most people don't even begin to understand until after they're
07:28 reminded by whatever financial institution they're involved with that you signed on the dotted line which in most cases involving real estate is the equivalent of signing your soul away to a contract with the devil that is something you absolutely don't want to do so I hope this information was useful to you Scott or to anyone else out there and of course if you have any questions about this subject or anything else don't hesitate to drop me a line the link is in the description below I'm here on YouTube every Monday
08:18 and Friday at 9:00 a.m. or you can check me out on my podcast website if you just want to listen I absolutely appreciate any compl compl but the best compliment you can ever give me is to tell a friend until next time this is earnest and I usually always am [Music]